JadiLega by BagiKata
JadiLega by BagiKata
Opening hours
- Tika is a clinical psychologist from Padjajaran University since 2016. She has experience in e-counseling concerning stress and burnout, family relationship, self esteem, and self-development.
Sartika Sari Purba
- Seorang psikolog klinis dengan pengalaman menangani kasus-kasus psikologis, seperti depresi, kecemasan, stres, adiksi NAPZA, permasalahan terkait pikiran, emosi, relasi, serta pengelolaan dan pengembangan diri. Saat ini berpraktik di RS Jiwa Menur Surabaya
Eukaristianica Theofani
- A graduate of Bachelor of Psychology and Masters of Psychology from Universitas Padjadjaran, Dina has been a certified Clinical Psychologist since 2016. She is working in her private practice, with Yayasan Kesehatan Telkom and Ibunda.id (an online consultation platform). Dina has been with BagiKata for 4 years, first as a handler and now as Lead Psychologist - handling ‘crisis’ queries. She has experience in handling various cases such as emotional problems, identity crisis, trauma, family issues, relationship problems, work problems, and any other psychological issues related to physical health.
Arrundina Puspita Dewi
- Lika, M.Psi., Psikolog
Pendidikan terakhir: Magister Profesi Psikologi Universitas Airlangga, Surabaya.
No izin praktik: 09206-05/2536-19-2-1
Spesialisasi: Kecemasan, Depresi, Self-harm, Masalah relasi (keluarga, teman, pasangan, orang lain disekitar), Masalah emosional, Kepercayaan diri, Burnout. JadiLega by BagiKata
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